By the way, the «vaccination» of the propensity for separate collection of garbage, without which the profitability of processing becomes negative, took place on the fertile German, Swiss and Scandinavian land for 20–25 years. And in more temperamental south countries (France, Italy, countries of Eastern Europe) has not fully taken root and still.
According to current domestic Russian standards, the presence of organic waste in the solid waste (food, biowaste, etc.) automatically makes the entire batch of garbage «seeded with biological material», which entails control during processing, total disinfection, increased degrees of protection for workers and so on.
The most appropriate technological and economic way of processing is the incineration of solid waste. However, there are so many myths surrounding the topic of garbage burning that it is decidedly impossible to understand where reality is and where fiction is.
There are three sources of information on this issue (not only in Russia, but the same is in EU and US): officials, scientists, and environmentalists. The first of them think with their templates and usually live a separate reality. The second operate with formulas and links to scientific publications, but do not know how to count money. The latter are extremely emotional, but often ignorant in everything that relates to the technical and economic side of the matter.